
2015年5月10日—Unity5.1.1error:dllisnotallowedtobeincludedorcouldnotbefound...PreviousErrorbuildingPlayer:Extractingreferenceddllsfailed.,2015年8月19日—Isetthistopointatstubdll.NowitfailswiththemessageErrorbuildingPlayer:Extractingreferenceddllsfailed.TheDon'tprocess ...,Ifthat'sfine,tryclosingUnity,thenmanuallydeletetheLibraryfolder(intheprojectdirectory),andre-open(rebuild)theUnityproject.,20...

Questions in topic: "dllnotfoundexception"

2015年5月10日 — Unity 5.1.1 error : dll is not allowed to be included or could not be found ... Previous Error building Player: Extracting referenced dlls failed.

Error building Player

2015年8月19日 — I set this to point at stub dll. Now it fails with the message Error building Player: Extracting referenced dlls failed. The Don't process ...

Unity build and Run game error

If that's fine, try closing Unity, then manually delete the Library folder (in the project directory), and re-open (rebuild) the Unity project.

Unity Error building Player because scripts had compiler ...

2020年5月15日 — Unity build and Run game error: Error building Player: Extracting referenced dlls failed · 12 · Error when Building Project: Error building ...

Instantiating and making a game object from a .FBX file gives ...

Unity build and Run game error: Error building Player: Extracting referenced dlls failed · "A game object can only be in one layer" error in Unity ...

注意:Error building Player

2014年9月28日 — 无论你编译任何平台都请修改一下这里, 留言中有朋友在编译PC平台中因为没有修改这里导致无法编译成功。。